- 2001.02, B.S. in Pharmacy, Chonnam National University, Korea
- 2006.05, Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine,
Houston, Texas
Work Experiences
- 2006.06-2011.03, Postdoctoral Associate, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston,
Texas; Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon
- 2011.04-2012.02, Research Assistant Professor, Dept. Pediatrics,
Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon
- 2012.03-2016.02, Assistant Professor,
College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
- 2016.03-2021.08, Associate Professor,
College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
- 2021.09-present, Professor,
College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Honors & Awards
- 2012.03, POSCO TJ Park Science Fellowship
- 2013.06, L'Oreal Korea-UNESCO For Women in Science Fellowship
- 2013.10, Frontier Science Award, The Korea Academy of Science and Technology
- 2017.01, BLUE Ribbon Lectureship, KSMCB
- 2017.02. Founding Member of Young Academy of Science and Technology
(Y-KAST), The Korean Academy of Science and Technology
- 2017.10, Young Pharmacologist Award, The Pharmaceutical Socity of Korea