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47. Song, Y., Lee, J., Kim, S., Lee, S*., & Kim, S*. (2025). Discovery and MD Simulation of a Triterpenoid Zj7 as GR Modulator Targeting Non‐Classical GRE with Potent Anti‐Obesity Activity. Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 14(1), e202400540.

46. Lee J, An H, Kim CS, Lee S*. The methyltransferase MLL4 promotes nonalcoholic steatohepatitis by enhancing NF-κB signaling. J Biol Chem. 2024 Dec;300(12):107984. doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2024.107984. Epub 2024 Nov 13. PMID: 39542242; PMCID: PMC11665687.

45. Jung J, Lee S, Lee J, Ko YC, Lee D, Seol YJ, Koo KT, Lee YM. Correlation between newly formed bone and the progression of experimental peri-implantitis with or without alveolar ridge preservation in infected and non-infected teeth: a secondary analysis of a preclinical study. J Periodontal Implant Sci. 2024 Nov;54:e27.

44. Junekyoung Lee, Yeonghun Song, Young A. Kim, Intae Kim, Jooseon Cha, Su Won Lee, Yoonae Ko, Chong-Su Kim, Sanghee Kim* & Seunghee Lee*. Characterization of a new selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator with anorexigenic activity. Sci Rep. 2024 Apr 3;14(1):7844. 

43. Hwang S, Park S, Kim JH, Bang SB, Kim HJ, Ka NL, Ko Y, Kim SS, Lim GY, Lee S, Shin YK, Park SY, Kim S, Lee MO. Targeting HMG-CoA synthase 2 suppresses tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer growth by augmenting mitochondrial oxidative stress-mediated cell death. Life Sci. 2023 Sep 1;328:121827.

42. Soyeon Seo, Young A. Kim, Junekyoung Lee, Seunghwan Lee, Jumee Kim & Seunghee Lee*.  Fat3 regulates neural progenitor cells by promoting Yap activity during spinal cord development. Sci Rep. 2022 Aug 12, 14726 

41. Huisman C, Kim YA, Jeon S, Shin B, Choi J, Lim SJ, Youn SM, Park Y, Medha K C, Kim S, Lee SK, Lee S*, Lee JW*. The histone H3-lysine 4-methyltransferase Mll4 regulates the development of growth hormone-releasing hormone-producing neurons in the mouse hypothalamus. Nature Communications, 2021 Jan 11;12(1):256.


40. Han YH, Kim HJ, Choi H, Lee S, Lee MO. RORα autoregulates its transcription via MLL4- associated enhancer remodeling in the liver. Life Sci. 2020 Sep 1;256:118007.

39. Cho H, Lee JY, Choi SY, Lim C, Park MK, An H, Lee JO, Noh M, Lee S*, Kim S*. Identification of a New Chemotype of Anti-Obesity Compounds by Ensemble Screening. ACS Omega. 2020 Feb 20;5(8):4338-4346.


38. Nam H, Jeon S, An H, Yoo J, Lee HJ, Lee SK, Lee S*. Critical roles of ARHGAP36 as a signal transduction mediator of Shh pathway in lateral motor columnar specification. Elife. 2019 Jul 15;8. pii: e46683.


37. Park S, Cho J, Jeon H, Sung SH, Lee S, Kim S. Expedient Synthesis of Alphitolic Acid and Its Naturally Occurring 2- O-Ester Derivatives. J Nat Prod. 2019 Apr 26;82(4):895-902


36. Kim J, Lee B, Kim DH, Yeon JG, Lee J, Park Y, Lee Y, Lee SK, Lee S*, Lee JW*. UBE3A suppresses overnutrition-induced expression of the steatosis target genes of MLL4 by degrading MLL4. Hepatology. 2019 Mar;69(3):1122-1134


35. Kim J, Choi TI, Park S, Kim MH, Kim CH, Lee S*. Rnf220 cooperates with Zc4h2 to specify spinal progenitor domains. Development. 2018 Sep 3;145(17). (recommended by Faculty of 1000 Biology)


34. Lee B, Kim J, An T, Kim S, Patel EM., Raber J, Lee SK, Lee S* & Lee JW*. Dlx1/2 and Otp coordinate the production of hypothalamic GHRH- and AgRP-neurons. Nature Communications, 2018 May 23; 9:2026


33. Erb M, Lee B, Yeon Seo S, Lee JW, Lee S, Lee SK. The Isl1-Lhx3 Complex Promotes Motor Neuron Specification by Activating Transcriptional Pathways that Enhance Its Own Expression and Formation. eNeuro. 2017 Mar 30;4(2). pii: ENEURO.0349-16


32. Kim DH, Kim J, Kwon JS, Sandhu J, Tontonoz P, Lee SK, Lee S*, Lee JW*. Critical Roles of the Histone Methyltransferase MLL4/KMT2D in Murine Hepatic Steatosis Directed by ABL1 and PPARγ2. Cell Reports. 2016 Nov 1;17(6):1671-1682.


31. Lee B, Lee S*, Lee SK, Lee JW*. The LIM-homeobox transcription factor Isl1 plays crucial roles in the development of multiple arcuate nucleus neurons. Development. 2016 Oct 15;143(20):3763-3773.


30. Clovis Y, Seo SY, Kwon JS, Rhee JC, Yeo S, Lee JW, Lee S*, and Lee SK*. Chx10 consolidates V2a interneuron identity through two distinct gene repression modes. Cell Reports, 2016 Aug 9;16(6):1642-52


29. Nam H, Lee S*. Identification of STAM1 as a novel effector of ventral projection of spinal motor neurons. Development, 2016 Jul 1;143(13):2334-43 (recommended by Faculty of 1000 Biology)


28. Lee B, Lee S, Agulnick AD, Lee JW, Lee SK. Single-stranded DNA binding proteins are required for LIM complexes to induce transcriptionally active chromatin and specify spinal neuronal identities. Development, 2016 May 15;143(10):1721-31.


27. Seo SY, Lee B, and Lee S*. Critical roles of the LIM domains of Lhx3 in recruiting coactivators to the motor neuron-specifying Isl1-Lhx3 complex. Mol Cell Biol, 2015 Oct 15;35(20):3579-89. (highlighted in Spotlight as a hot paper)


26. Thiebes KP, Nam H, Cambronne XA, Shen R, Glasgow SM, Cho H, Kwon J, Goodman RH, Lee JW, Lee S*, and Lee SK*. miR-218 is essential to establish motor neuron fate as a downstream effector of Isl1-Lhx3. Nature Communications, 2015 Jul 27;6:7718.


25. Kim DH, Rhee JC, Yeo S, Shen R, Lee SK, Lee JW, and Lee S*. Crucial roles of MLL3 and MLL4 as epigenetic switches of the hepatic circadian clock controlling bile acid homeostasis. Hepatology 61, 1012-1023, 2015


24. Cho HH, Cargnin F, Kim Y, Lee B, Kwon RJ, Nam H, Shen R, Barnes AP, Lee JW, Lee S*, and Lee SK*. Isl1 directly controls a cholinergic neuronal identity in the developing forebrain and spinal cord by forming cell type-specific complexes. Plos Genetics 10, e1004280, 2014.


23. Kim DH, Tang Z, Shimada M, Fierz B, Houck-Loomis B, Bar-Dagen M, Lee S, Lee SK, Muir T, Roeder RG, and Lee JW. Histone H3 K27 trimethylation inhibits H3 binding and function of SET1- like H3K4 methyltransferase complexes. Mol Cell Biol 33, 4936-4946, 2013 (highlighted in Spotlight as a hot paper)


22. Kim SG, Lee B, Kim DH, Kim J, Lee S*, Lee SK, and Lee JW*. Control of energy balance by a hypothalamic gene circuitry involving two nuclear receptors, NOR1 and GR. Mol Cell Biol 33, 3826-34, 2013 (highlighted in Spotlight as a hot paper)


21. Lee S*, Shen R, Cho HH, Kwon RJ, Seo SY, Lee JW, and Lee SK*. Stat3 promotes motor neuron differentiation by collaborating with motor neuron-specific LIM complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110, 11445-50, 2013


20. Kim M, Kim M, Lee S, Kuninaka S, Saya H, Lee H, Lee SK and Lim DS. cAMP/PKA signalling reinforces the LATS–YAP pathway to fully suppress YAP in response to actin cytoskeletal changes. EMBO J 32, 1543-55, 2013


19. Lee B, Kim SG, Kim J, Choi K, Lee S*, Lee SK, and Lee JW*. Brain-specific homeobox factor as a target selector for glucocorticoid receptor in energy balance. Mol Cell Biol 33, 2650-8, 2013 (highlighted in Spotlight as a hot paper)


18. Lee S, Cuvillier JM, Lee B, Shen R, Lee JW, Lee SK. Fusion protein Isl1-Lhx3 specifies motor neuron fate by inducing motor neuron genes and concomitantly suppressing the interneuron programs. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109 (9), 3383-8, 2012


17. Lee S, Lee JW, and Lee SK. UTX, a histone H3-lysine 27 demethylase, acts as a critical switch to activate the cardiac developmental program. Developmental Cell 22, 1-13, 2012


16. Lee S and Lee.SK. Crucial roles of histone-modifying enzymes in mediating neural cell-type specification. Curr Opin Neurobiol 20:29-36, 2010 (invited review)


15. Lee S, Lee B, Lee JW, and Lee SK. Retinoid signaling and Ngn2 function are coupled for the specification of spinal motor neurons through a chromatin modifier CBP. Neuron 62, 641-54, 2009


14. Joshi K, Lee S, Lee B, Lee JW, and Lee SK. LMO4 controls the balance between excitatory and inhibitory spinal V2 interneurons. Neuron 61, 839-51, 2009


13. Lee S, Kim DH, Goo YH, Lee YC, Lee SK, and Lee JW. Crucial roles for interactions between MLL3/4 and INI1 in nuclear receptor transactivation. Mol Endocrinol 23, 610-9, 2009


12. Lee S, Roeder RG, and Lee JW. Chapter 10 Roles of Histone H3-Lysine 4 Methyltransferase Complexes in NR-Mediated Gene Transcription. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci 87C:343-382, 2009 (Book chapter)


11. Lee JK, Kim DH, Lee S, Yang Q, Lee DK, Lee SK, Roeder RG, and Lee JW. A tumor suppressive coactivator complex of p53 containing histone H3-lysine-4 methyltransferase MLL3 or its paralogue MLL4. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106, 8513-8, 2009


10. Lee JK, Saha PK, Yang Q, Lee S, Park JY, Suh Y, Lee SK, Chan L, Roeder RG, and Lee JW. Targeted inactivation of MLL3 histone H3-lysine-4 methyltransferase activity in the mouse reveals vital roles for MLL3 in adipogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105, 19229-34, 2008


9. Lee S, Lee J, Lee SK, and Lee JW. Activating signal cointegrator-2 is an essential adaptor to recruit histone H3 lysine 4 methyltransferase MLL3 and MLL4 to the liver X receptors. Mol Endocrinol 22, 1312-9, 2008


8. Lee S, Lee B, Joshi K, Pfaff S, Lee JW, and Lee SK. A regulatory network to segregate spinal neuronal subtypes. Developmental Cell 14, 877-89, 2008


7. Visvanathan J, Lee S, Lee B, Lee JW, and Lee SK. The microRNA miR-124 antagonizes the anti-neural REST/SCP1 pathway during embryonic CNS development. Genes and Development 21, 744-9, 2007


6. Lee S, Lee DK, Dou Y, Lee J, Lee B, Kwak E, Kong YY, Lee SK, Roeder RG, Lee JW. Coactivator as a target gene specificity determinant for histone H3 lysine 4 methyltransferases. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103, 15392-7, 2006


5. Dou Y, Milne TA, Ruthenburg AJ, Lee S, Lee JW, Verdine GL, Allis CD, Roeder RG. Regulation of MLL1 H3K4 methyltransferase activity by its core components. Nat Struct Mol Biol 13, 713-9, 2006


4. Choi E# , Lee S# , Yeom SY, Kim GH, Lee JW, Kim SW. Characterization of activating signal cointegrator-2 as a novel transcriptional coactivator of the xenobiotic nuclear receptor constitutive androstane receptor. Mol Endocrinol 19, 1711-9, 2005 (#equal contributions)


3. Lee S, Lee DK, Choi E, Lee JW. Identification of a functional vitamin D response element in the murine Insig-2 promoter and its potential role in the differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Mol Endocrinol 19, 399-408, 2005


2. Kim SW, Park K, Kwak E, Choi E, Lee S, Ham J, Kang H, Kim JM, Hwang SY, Kong YY, Lee K, Lee JW. Activating signal cointegrator 2 required for liver lipid metabolism mediated by liver X receptors in mice. Mol Cell Biol 23, 3583-92, 2003


1. Sohn YC# , Kim SW# , Lee S# , Kong YY, Na DS, Lee SK, Lee JW. Dynamic inhibition of nuclear receptor activation by corepressor binding. Mol Endocrinol 17, 366-72, 2003 (#equal contributions)

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